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      Ancient Pathways Travel, Ltd. &
      LatterGlory International Ministries Present

      2018 Prophetic & Archaeological Mission to Israel  

            “Remove not the Ancient Landmarks

      Which Your Fathers (the Prophets) Have Setup”

                               (Proverbs 22:28)


      With Bonnie Jones * Timothy Johnson (timothyjohnson107@gmail.com)

      Day 1:

      Depart From Seoul, Korea 

      Day 2:

      Arrive in Israel.  Welcome Home! 

      Arrive in the Holy City of Jerusalem!  Participate in the traditional ‘shehechiyanu’ prayer at the Goldman Promenade, overlooking the city of Jerusalem. It is here that Abraham 4000 years ago told his son Isaac take your donkey and let’s go yonder, to Mount Moriah to be a sacrifice. It was from here that David and his 37 ‘mighty men’ planned the conquest over Jerusalem, and 3000 years after that, this same place was where the 6-Day War was planned, where the Glory of the God of Jerusalem was to be redeemed. We will study the parallels between these two historic battles to better understand Israel and God’s covenant with her.

      We will worship by She’arayim, the city where King Saul and David’s brothers were camping, facing Goliath and the Philistines. It is where David arrived and received King Saul’s blessing to fight Goliath, it is where we too will receive Blessing from the Lord in preparation to face our giants!

      We will then visit the Elah Valley, where David slew Goliath, assemble with Sling Shots and cotton made pockets with 5 Stones and worship the Lord’s Victory given there into David hand. 

      We will then go to the fields of Baal-Perazim –the very place that the Lord manifested Himself to David as the Lord (Baal) Perazim (Breakthrough) and we will worship the Lord on that very spot and pray to the Lord for our breakthroughs, and then continue worship at the Katamon St Simon Monastery at Baal-Perazim. It will be powerful!

      We will continue on the biblical-era ascent to the Land of Judah on the biblical way that leads toward Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Here we will leave the bus for a short walk along the carved stone steps from biblical times, at the same point where the ancient convoys used to stop on their way to the Holy City. Here, we will bless our visit to Israel with Salt Bread and Water.

      Check-in to our Jerusalem hotel.

      Dinner and overnight in the Jerusalem.

      Day 3:

      We will visit the Mount of Olives ((which is upper Mt. Moriah). We will gather at the Miphkad Altar (search Google about the Miphkad Altar –it is very important to our study), where the Red Heifer was burnt to ashes —a method used by the priests to purify the Altar with hyssop and cedar branches.  At this special place, we will worship as the entire

      House of the Lord/Temple and see the entire city of Jerusalem and Bethlehem —spread out in front of an amazing panoramic view.  From the north we will see Naioth B’ramah, the home of the Prophet Samuel and Samuel’s Prophets Center in Rama. What is Naioth B’rama?

      Naioth is mentioned in 1 Samuel 19:18-19 and 1 Samuel 19:22-23 as a place where Samuel supervised a community of prophets and to which David escaped from Saul. Saul sent a series of messengers to Naioth intending for them to capture David and kill him, but instead, each of them started prophesying. In anger, Saul rose to do it himself, but he also found himself prophesying. This event gave rise to the proverb, "Is Saul among the prophets?"

      We will then visit Naioth B’ramah and the Prophet Samuel School of Prophets Center, including the burial place of the Prophet Samuel. We will gather there for Honoring of The Prophets & The Prophetic Ministry in a special worship and prophetic ceremony there.

      We will visit the biblical town of Samuel, see the Mikveh (ritual bath) of Hannah (Samuel’s mother), which is a major Baptism Center for Healing. Mt. Samuel overlooks the country of the Tribe of Benjamin and Judah.  Mount Samuel is currently known by its Arabic name, ‘Nebi Samwil’ and is within a National Park.  It is located on a hill, 3027 feet above sea level, in the northern district of Jerusalem, overlooking the city of Gibeon in Benjamin to the north, and Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Judah country to the south and Jerusalem with God’s Temple in the Heart. There have been new and recent archaeological discoveries there prove that Ramah of Samuel was the home of Joseph of Arimathea

      We will continue on to the Shiloh —the first worship center in Israel. This was the first Temple site in the Promised Land, and was built by Joshua. It served as the Holy National Center of Israel for 390 years. During that entire time in history, all of Israel came and celebrated the Three Feasts i.e. Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles there at Shiloh
      —long before Jerusalem became the Center of Worship.

      It was here that Hannah brought her son Samuel, to serve God. Shiloh was the home of the Ministry of Eli the High Priest where God Almighty prepared the ministry of the Prophet Samuel to bring prophetic change to the high Priesthood from the House of Joseph to the House of David.  We will gather to worship at Shiloh's original Temple site, as Israel did for hundreds of years and visit the Shiloh Visitor’s Center to see their amazing multi-media presentation.     

      We will continue on to the Rama of King David, at Kibbutz Ramat Rachel (south of Jerusalem) where we will see the Judah Kings’ Palaces, built by Reheboam, King Solomon’s son.  He brought about the big war and separation between the two nations of the Lord:  The 10 Tribes of Israel and the two Tribes of Israel (Judah and Benjamin). We will follow in the footsteps of so much of the Bible history —Abraham, Sara and Isaac, Jacob, Rachel, Boaz and Ruth, Jesse, David, the Prophet Elijah, Mary and Joseph and Jesus —as we go to the Shepherd’s Field Valley in Ephrata which is Bethlehem in Judah. The birthplace of both Jesus and David.

      We will visit the Cave of the fore-runner prophet’s —John the Baptist at Kibbutz Tzuba known in King David time as the Baal of Judah… and —the Prophet Elijah who fought the Baal where he met with King Ahaziyah messengers and told them, to return back to their King to let him know that the Prophet said that He will die. Here we too, will have reflective prayer and intercession to deal with Baal influence in our lives —warring against the appetites, desires and idolatry that war against us from Baal as we pursue maturity in our prophetic ministries and callings.

      Then we will follow Mary on her journey to meet Elizabeth and then to the Katisima, in the cross ways valley between the Ramah hill and the hill of Prophet Elijah where the Fire of God consumed the captains of 50th coming to arrest the Prophet 2 Kings 1: 8,9. It is Elijah the Tishbe. Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty, and he went up to him and behold, he sat on the top of a hill. And he spake unto him. Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down. And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, if I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty, and there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

      Katisima of Mary’s time, was the place where she stopped to rest, it is also the same place known as Tzel Tzach where Rachel gave birth to Benjamin and ‘rested in peace’ (died) while she called his name Ben Oni which mean, “God’s Seeds within me.” We will take time to worship at this Holy place, the beginning of the funeral where Jacob carried Rachel to Her (chosen by God) burial place Genesis 35:16-22, And Jacob set a pillar upon Her grave that is the pillar of Rachel’s grave unto this day. And Israel encamped to mourn Rachel, and spread his Mourn Tent at the inn beyond the Tower of Eder (Flock). Very important revelation will be released there that we cannot mention in this itinerary document.

      We will visit the burial place of Rachel. (“…where Jacob carried Rachel from Tzel-Tzach and laid her in a sepulcher and then marked it with a standing stone (matzevah)” Genesis 35:19-20 This actual place is a recent discovery by one of our archaeological team members which has proven to be of monumental importance.

      We will follow in the footsteps of Jacob, Rachel, and all the children of Jacob, Boaz and Ruth the Moabite, King David King Saul, Prophet Samuel, Prophet Elijah, Zerubbabel. Ben Sheltie Prophet Ezra, Prophet Nehemiah, Mary and Joseph, & Jesus. They all walked on that same ancient Pathway on the border line between the Tribes of Benjamin and

      Judah to the Shepherds Field of Ephrata, to the site of the Threshing Floor where Boaz and Ruth the Moabite met. Micah 5:22 “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrata, are only a small village in Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel, in the Hebrew Text written, A King and A Priest, will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past. The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies until the time when the woman in labor gives birth to her son with God. Then at last this fellow countryman return from exile to their own land. And he will stand to lead his flock with the Lord His God. Then his people will live there unturned, for he will be highly honored all around the world. And he will be the source of our peace.”

      Prophet Elijah’s Hill is on the Border Way facing the Tower of the Flock where the Christ, where the Anointed One of the Lord God is going to arrive from. Prophet Elijah’s name is the Mevaser, the one who will announce the coming of the Lord’s Prophet Malachi 4:4. “Look, I am sending you the Prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives.” 

      We will worship at the birthplace of David and Jesus —who were both born, at the Shepherds Field, here at –Ephrata in Judah, and again –significant revelation will be released here to you that we can’t mention in the itinerary. 

      Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.

      Day 4:

      Jerusalem – God’s Capital City.

      We will help Archeological leaders who are a part of the Israel Government’s Israeli Antiquities Authority sift through the sands of the remains of the destructed Temple at the Temple Mount Antiquities Salvation Operation at Park Tzurim. The main activity here is a search for archaeological finds from amongst the earth removed from the Temple Mount by the Muslim authorities (to build a mosque at the site known as Solomon's Stables). Some of our team members in the past have discovered coins and specific pottery pieces that ended up being major discoveries because they helped archaeologist prove the exact time period they were sifting through.

      We will visit the Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial and Museum include the Children Memorial and the Valley of the Lost Communities to learn more the history of Israel’s past and pay honor and homage to the people of Israel.

      We will enter into to the Old City walls through the Damascus gate and walk through the biblical Cardo and the Old City Bazars down to walk the Via Delarosa way of the stations of the cross.

      We will visit the Litho Stratus courtyard pavement of the Antonia Fortress (the Roman Praetorium).  It was here that the Roman soldiers played with Jesus the ‘basalinda’ game (the ‘basileus’/ ‘king’), mocking Him and crowned Him with the evil king of the trees —the Atad Crown of Thorns. 

      Matthew 27:27 “Some of the governors soldiers took Jesus into their headquarters and called out the entire battalion They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him They made a crown of long, sharp thorns and put it on his head , and they placed a stick in his right hand as a scepter. Then they knelt before him in mockery, yelling, Hail King of the Jews, and they spit on him and grabbed the stick and beat him on the head. When they were finally tired of mocking him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be crucified…”

      We will visit the Home of St. Anne (Mary’s mother) and the birth place of Mary, Jesus mother. It is also known as the pool of the Fuller’s to prepare the Lambs for God Sacrifices, Bethsaida the ‘House of Mercy” and its Pool, is where the lambs were washed and sheared prior to going to the Temple to be sacrificed.  It is also the site where Jesus performed his “Miracle of Healing the Lame.” We will enter the famous St. Anne’s Church, for worship, and enjoy singing up into the rotunda, producing one of the beautiful acoustical sounds in the world —as our praise ascends into Heaven!

      We will continue outside of the Old City walls, through the Turkish time Lion’s Gate, which also known as the St. Steven’s Gate (the first Christian martyr, stoned to death), where we will worship and honor the martyrs of Christ. We will then walk eastward, as Jesus walked when carrying the Cross, along to the Garden of Gethsemane —the garden tomb of Joseph of Arimathea; with its wine press (in Hebrew, ‘gat’) at the Garden of Gatshemene (‘gat’ = press, for ‘shemen’ = oil), on the northeast side and on the Slope of Mount Moriah in the Garden of Eden —the Garden of Gethsemane.

      We will visit the Garden of Gatshemene Cave where Jesus and His Disciples spent their last night, then we walk through the Garden of Gethsemane, taking time for reflective prayer. We will continue along the Kidron Valley as we walk along the tombs of Absalom (King David’s son), the High Priests’ tombs of the House of the Lessers King David’s Priestly House. The Tomb of James, Jacob (Jesus’ brother), then continue to the Tomb of Prophet

      Zechariah and of Haggai, where we will stop to worship and honor the Prophets of Israel.  We will examine the ancient remains of the Bridge of the Red Heifer across the Kidron valley located right there.

      Eventually, we will arrive at the Upper Room, above the burial place of King David, on Mount Zion at the City of David, where Jesus and His Disciples had their Last Supper, which was a Jewish ‘Seder’ meal.  In this same place, 50 days after Jesus’ Seder meal, His Disciples met again (at Shavuot / Pentecost) to announce the birth of ‘Christianity’. We will assemble there for a worshipping ceremony. We will discuss the Holy Day of Shavuot and Pentecost and the Birth of Christianity.

      We will thoroughly explore the –biblical-era city called ‘City of King David’ on Mount Zion (lower Mt. Moriah) which was ancient Jerusalem. We will visit the Palace site of ‘Metzudat Tzion’, the Fortress of Zion, which was the royal residence at the time of King David at the True Mount Zion. We shall explore the Gihon Spring - Beit Hama’ayan —the House of the Gihon Spring. We will walk through the underground walkway into the Canaanite Fortress from the 20th century B.C.E. —Abraham’s time. It was also known as the site where King Solomon’s coronation took place —and the location of the original Tabernacle of David! (1 Kings Chapter 1) We will walk through the ‘tzinor (water pipe/gutter) on which Joab Ben Tzeruyah climbed into the city of biblical-era Jerusalem.

      We will go to place of Jeremiah;s Cistern (Jeremiah Chapter 38) located right there —this is the place where Jeremiah was lowered down into the city sewer system and held captive there. We will have a time of prayer and intercession there praying for the release of the curse brought over the city by the rejecting of her prophets. “Touch not my Anointed ones and do My Prophets no harm.” (Psalm 105:15)

      We will be honored to meet with Eli Shukron, the famed archaeologist from the Israeli Antiquities Authority who discovered the true location of the Pool of Siloam. Our teams in years past have had the honor to serve under both Moshe & Eli Shukron to help assist in the excavations there under Mt. Zion. During our times there, Eli and his teams have dug deeper and deeper down in the Gihon Springs. down to the time period of Abraham and they have made key discoveries, they believe are associated with King Melchizedek. Eli will show us these areas —which are not available for the public at large to see —like the newly discovered (unearthed) Mikveh pool -the High Priest ritual bath, and visit the newly excavated ruins of Melchizedek and its Altar build for Peace Offering with Abraham.

      This is the “Gihon Spring” mentioned in the Bible —as the spring that fed the Garden of Eden (in Genesis Chapter 2), also known as the Virgin’s spring. We will proceed to the Pool of Siloam, and, and then along the remains of the ancient shopping arcade where Christ used to walk and where he did his great miracles.                     

      Right at the Pool of Siloam is the steps that led up to the Temple. It is where for hundreds of years, the people of Israel cleansed themselves in the pool and then came out and began their Ascent on the newly excavated Ascents of Degrees to the Temple the House of God (the stairs) reading or reciting Psalms 120-134; the Songs of Ascent or the Songs of Degrees.. We will walk, and worship upon these same biblical stairs!

      We will then arrive at the Ophel —the biblical Ascent southern steps in front of the Prophet Hulda entry Gates to the Temple. We will assemble here for a Grand Worship Ceremony!

      We will visit the Western Wall, taking time for reflection and prayers.

      We will also take time for shopping in Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

      Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem.

      Day 5:

      The Foundation ‘Rock’ of God, the Garden of Eden

      And the Four Springs of the Lord’s Living Water.

      We will visit King Zedekiah’s Cave, and assemble at the stone quarry which was used by King Solomon’s masons to build the Temple. Enter Mt. Moriah and walk under the Temple’s threshold, below the Holy of the Holies, where we will draw Ezekiel 47 Holy Water (from under the threshold of the Temple) — this is the place where, according to the

      Bible, the Gihon Spring, the second River feeding the world from the Garden of Eden, will flow south to the Land of Kush, Ethiopia Genesis 2:13 as a giant river all the way through the Spring House of the City of David, then through the Kidron Valley to Judean Desert and ultimately into the Dead Sea then with the Rift Valley all the way to Ethiopia.

      All the people will come to drink from the Living Water at the Dead Sea. (Prophet Ezekiel Chapter 37).    

      We Will Study: The Dry Bones vision and Ezekiel’s Vision in regard to Jesus. We will worship there, joining together, singing and praying for the Lord and His purposes at “Zedekiah’s Tears”, which is the beginning of the Gihon Spring.

      We will follow the Garden of Eden’s ‘Four Springs of the Living Waters’ (as written in Prov. 13:14; Isaiah 51:1-3); ‘Those who drink of me will thirst no more,’ John 4:14. ‘Those who drink of the water that I will give him will become in them a spring of water, gushing up to eternal life.’  This is the meaning of the name ‘Gihon’ (‘le Agiah’ means ‘to gush forth’, like a beating heart).

      We will start our visit to the four Springs feeding the world, at the Zedekiah’s Cave, looking into the ‘heart’ of Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount, under the Holy of the Holies of the Temple’s threshold, beneath the Foundation Rock of Creation, from these waters of the Lord in the Garden of Eden, from which flow the Four Holy Rivers; the Pishon, the Gihon, the Perat, and the Hiddekel, which are gushing forth... 

      After visiting Zedekiah’s Cave, we will visit the Pishon Springs at Mei Naftoakh, the opening spring of Living Water.  This river and its springs, Mei Naftoakh and Motza (Hayamim) are at the biblical border between the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin at the north west of the Moriah land of the Jerusalem district below Naioth B’ramah on the Prophet Samuel Prophets town —home of the School of the Prophets.  It is where the Matzah Shemurah, the specially-preserved unleavened {Matzah} bread was being baked at the eve of Passover. This river goes west, to the land of Havilah (Europe), i.e. the Western World. In Hebrew, it is written, ‘Where the land of Bedolach”, which means a ‘the Ember stone made of the almond sap’, and being used for medicine and healing. It was wrongly translated in the English text a ‘clear crystal stone’. 

      We will study the ‘Almond Tree’ as it relates to the Priestly Rod of Aaron and to the Cross of Jesus on an Almond Tree, growing in the Garden of Eden the Garden of Gatshemene. That part of the Kidron Valley was the biblical Giant ha’egoze —the Almond Nuts Grove growing right there from which in the Garden from the Song of Songs 6:11 comes from: I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished and the pomegranates budded.”

      The Perat is the third river out of Genesis on the north east of the Moriah country and the Jerusalem district, mentioned in the Book of Genesis. It’s the spring that Prophet Jeremiah who lived at Anathoh said “Do not trust a broken cistern but only a spring of living waters.” It flows northward from Beit El (the House of God), Ephrat). These springs are near Prophet Jeremiah’s home of Anathoth, and this is where Jesus and his disciples used to stay upon arriving to Jerusalem from Jericho in the east. Today the newly build Anathoth it’s a musician’s village which enable the visitors to take part in a musical worship ceremony.

      King Saul, Jonathan his son, King David and Solomon used this place to rest. One of the most importuned biblical battles was up on the Perat cliffs, was the battle of Michmash; The Sane cliff it’s where Jonathan ascended during that battle with the Philistines, climbed through the cliffs Boteztz and Sane. . . Jonathan had not heard his father’s command, and he dipped a stick into a piece of honeycomb and ate the honey. 1 Samuel 14:2-31. At the third century BCE, Haritun, the Founder of the Hermits movement to the desert built a unique monastery in the cliff rock.  We will pay a visit and study the story of Christ and His Living Waters.  This river goes north to the direction of Mt. Hermon, Mt. Amana, and Mt. Covenant, where Abraham had the ‘Cutting of the Parts’ covenant and Jesus ascended the Heavens on the Transfiguration.

      The fourth river’s name is the Hidekel.  In Hebrew, ‘hi’ means ‘life’ and ‘dekel’ means ‘date palm’. The Living God of Righteousness. The date palms were brought to the Temple to bless the Lord upon his arrival to the Temple. On the Eastern Gate, facing east were two date palms, carved into the outer structure of the gate, facing east, waiting for our Lord, coming from the East.

      We will drive south from Jerusalem, and the city of Bethlehem, deep into the Tribe of Judah to the Moriah country, to the newly built city of Ephrat and the El Biar and the El Aruba Springs feeding the Three Pools of King

      Solomon.  Near Ephrat, at the village of Artas, we’ll visit one of the most beautiful ‘gardens in the valley of the Virgin Lady’. The valley gets its water from the Hidekel (The Living date palm Tree) spring of El Aruba and El Biar, attribute to Jesus Crist, which flows to the East, and feeds the world from the “Garden of our Virgin Mary”.Today, there is a beautiful monastery in the Valley, which tends to the gardens and the pools in the Artas Valley.  

      We will drive to Tekoah, the home of the Prophet Amos.The words of Amos who was among the Shepherds of Tekoah;” It is now like a house in ruins, but I will rebuild its walls and restore its former glory. And Israel will possess what is left of Edom and all the nations I have called to be mine. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do these things. . .”

      And he said; “The Lord will roar from Zion and utter his voice from Jerusalem, and the habitations of the Shepherds shall mourn, and the top of Carmel shall wither. Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth . . . I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD. For In that day will l raise up the Tabernacle of David that has fallen.”

      Amos said to Amaziah, the priest, “I, was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman, and a gatherer of Sycamores fruits. And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel. Now therefor hear thou the word of the Lord. Thou sayest, Prophesy not against Israel, and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac.” The two Prophets Jeremiah and Amos were living on the edge of the Desert and by the two most important springs of Gods living waters one Jeremiah in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin and Amos in Tekoah in the land of Judah. Both were Shepherds of God.

      We will visit the recently discovered Herodian, the man-made mountain which King Herod had built, and upon which he had a fortress built so that he could overlook and control the entire Lands of Moriah which include all of Jerusalem.

      Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem.      

      Day 6:

      Visit Qumran, At Qumran, we will visit the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Scriptorium where the scrolls of the Bible were written. Tour the ritual bath near where John the Baptist used to live. The Essenes… Zadok Priesthood??

      Drive along the city of Jericho and visit the burial place of Zacchaeus and the tomb of the unknown Prophets.

      We Will Study the Schools of the Prophets and the Prophetic Circuit of Elijah and the other Prophets. We will go down to the Jordan River by the School of Prophets at Elijah’s Tell where Jesus and John the Baptist used to worship. We will dress in white gowns and enter into the Jordan River where the Israelites cross, while we worship and sing — and then we too will come up on to our Canaan Land (symbolically and prophetically) —whoever wishes can also be baptized there.

      Then we will travel to the place near the Jordan River Prophet Elijah ascended to Heaven on God's Chariot of Fire, leaving the Mantle of Elijah (which later John the Baptist was wearing) to the Prophet Elisha 2 Kings 2:7-17. We will worship the Lord there and in prayer and intercession cry out for the God of Elijah!

      Next, we will visit the Gilgal. It is near where Jacob, after he met with God at Penuel and wrestled with the angel of God —crossed the Jordan River at the Adam crossing and came to Gilgal to meet with Esau. The Gilgal is the location of the 12-stone Monument ordered by Moses and executed by Joshua and 12 priests of the 12 tribes of Israel, who took boulders from the Jordan River, to build that stones monument upon crossing into the Promised Land with the Children of Israel. This is the place where Esau was awaiting Jacob, his brother.

      It is here that Jacob fell on his brother’s shoulder and where they made peace by breaking and then sharing bread.  At this site the Tabernacle Tent was resting for 11 years until it was moved to Shiloh. King Saul used it as a holy ritual place. It is here that Samuel anointed Saul as king, and King David used it as a holy site and a base (prior to building the Temple in Jerusalem) to execute his conquest against the Midianite and Philistines the Ammonite’s and the Moabites on the east side of the Jordan River.

      The Gilgal known as the hill of circumcision Gibeah Ha’Arlot. Prophet Elijah the Tishbe in Ramot Gilead in Jordan and Prophet Elisha from Mecholah, spent time at this Gilgal. The two and half tribes of Israel who lived on the East side of the Jordan Build at the Gilgal a most important Tower of Witness “Gal-Ad”, Joshua 22:10-33. The “Gal-Ad” stands at this Holy Gilgal to remind all who believe in the God of the Bible who live outside of Israel, and the Promised Land that they have the same rights and responsibility for their Home in Israel —equal to the Israelis who live in Israel. It is the Lord’s Field, where the Bible says that Jesus plowed a furrow with his own hands.

      This field at the Gilgal produced the first grains of wheat and wine for blessings, which were used at the Temple in Jerusalem at the Passover and Pentecost sacred meals before God. You will attend a special worship ceremony at the Lords’ Field by the circle of stones –the Gilgal. The acoustics are very alive at this place, and it is overlooking the Adam-Crossing, of the River Jordan, where the Children of Israel entered to the Promised Land. We will have a procession on this same ground, blowing the shofarot. At the Gilgal, the Lord stopped giving manna to the Children of Israel.  It was the first time since they came to the Promised Land that they had to produce their own bread.

      We then will drive to the Ein Harrod Springs. This is where the Prophet Gideon separated the 300 people to fight the northern Midianite. We too, will have a special “lapping” water from the spring ceremony here, symbolically and prophetically being set apart in Gideon’s (the Army of the Lord). Cross the Jezreel valley we will see and pray over the future site of The Battle of Armageddon in the Megiddo Valley where Prophet Deborah defied the Canaanite Siseria.

      We will attend the evening Prayer watch at Succat Hallel – the 24/7 House of Prayer & Worship atop Mt. Zion. In the Spirit of the Tabernacle of David, they have been in non-stop worship for almost 15 years now.

      Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem

      Day 7:

      Take time to enjoy the special healing waters of the Dead Sea and some spa time; you will learn that Israel has changed the ‘Death’ to a ‘Blessing’, and it should be called the “Sea of Life”! Enjoy shopping for Dead Sea products to bring home with you. The Dead Sea is in the Syrian-African Rift Valley and is the lowest place on Earth (1300 feet below sea level) and has 9 times the salinity of the Earth’s oceans!

      Continue Ein Gedi oasis. We will visit King David’s hide out deep in David Canyon by David’s waterfall. Enjoy the flora and fauna and the biblical Ibex-the ram of Biblical time. Ein Gedi was known for its persimmon oil industries which were desired by Queen Cleopatra

      We will visit the Masada (matzada) stronghold and study the meaning of ‘kidush ha Shem: ”a death that sanctifies God’s Holy name.” We will visit the Masada fortress on the top of the mountain, with its palaces, store rooms, water cisterns and bath houses. Gather in the ancient synagogue with its Geniza for the Torah Scrolls which turn the Synagogue into A Gathering Prayers Upper Room take time for us to experience intimate worship.

      Dinner & Overnight in Eilat

      Day 8:

      We will ascend Mount Sinai – The Mountain of God.  You WILL Experience God!  From Mount Moriah to Mount Sinai (‘Har Karkom’) Har Paran in the pasture land (‘midbar’). The Land of ‘God is my Shepherd’! It is the Matan Torah’ Mount– the Holy mount of the Receiving of the Torah from God, to Moses and through Jesus to the rest of the world.

      We will depart in very early morning towards the border between Israel and Egypt as we make our way to Mt. Sinai (called Mt. Karkom – the Mount of God), you will be immersed in the world of the Creator - - a time for reflection adventure and powerful worship! We will take a 4X4 (about 1-hour ride) within the Negev Mountains to Mt. Karkom (the Holy Mountain of God). According to Prof. Emanuel Anati, this is the site (Mount Sinai) where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Try to imagine the plateaus surrounding this mountain packed with the hundreds of thousands of Israelites waiting for Moses to return. Even the Vatican has changed its position from the traditional location of St. Catherine’s Monastery to Mt. Karkom as being the true location of Mt. Sinai because of its proximity to Mt. Seir which the Bible says is the way to Mt. Horeb (Mt. Sinai), and the enormous archaeological finds upon and altars upon this mountain.

      Our visit will start at the foothill of the mount by Be’er Karkom, Ein Mishpat.  This is where Moses met with Zipporah. Mt. Karkom, Mt. Paran, Mt. Horeb are the location where Moses saw the Burning Bush and, later on, the site where the Altar was built with the 12-stone monument and the Tabernacle Tent of God. We will visit the Altar at the site where the Golden Calf (built by Aaron the High Priest, Moses’ brother) stood, overlooking the Sphinx-faced Mount Karkom, and in solemn repentance and worship pray concerning the golden calf’s that have cropped up in our life from time to time. It will be a very Holy and cleansing time before the Lord our God!

      The hike up the mountain will be approximately 3 - 4 hours on rocky, steep terrain; we can expect conditions of full sun and potentially hot temperatures, depending on the season. (We have had 80-year-old women make it up there – so don’t be overly intimidated) ... We will look for some of the more than 40,000 ancient rock engravings, with images like the ‘menorah’ and the ‘Ten Commandments’ and the engraving of the ‘staff which turned to a snake’ (Bronze Serpent).

      At the top of the mountain, overlooking the Paran wilderness, we will visit a large ancient ‘temple monument’ made of flints tone (adoni tzuri; God is my Rock (of Flintstone). According to Professor Emanuel Anati the tumuli (stone gravesite) on top of the mountain is where Joseph the Patriarch's bones were kept. While on top of the mountain, we will visit and worship at the Flintstone altar which faces East (from Mount Paran where King David spend time with God, Mount Karkom, Mount Paran overlooks the Aravah wilderness the Edom Mountains and Mount Zin where Moses’ brother, Aaron’s, burial place. The Prophet Elijah came here to Mount Horeb running away from Queen Jezebel’s anger.

      We will return to base ‘camp’ and enjoy lunch and refreshments and return to the 12-stone monument to blow shofarot and worship the Lord with song and with the Ten Commandments. We will re-board the 4 x 4’s and return to the main road, going south to Eilat on the Red Sea

      *Note:  Visits to Mt. Karkom are always pending military approval.

      Dinner & Overnight in Eilat on the Red Sea

      Day 9:

      Shopping at the famous Eilat Stone Jewelry Company.

      Timna National Park. In the footsteps of Jethro Tzipporah and Moses. We will drive to the Timna Crater, and the encampment of Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law. This is where Moses, and Zipporah (his wife) lived. From here, Moses walked to the ‘Mountain of God’ (Sinai), with Jethro’s flock -as a shepherd -and met with God at the burning bush.  From here in Timna, Jethro came with Moses’ Children to Mt. Sinai, to meet with Moses and join with the Children of Israel, carrying a new name, “Re-u-el” (‘Shepherd of God’); we will worship here at Timna as we visit the very special re-creation of the Tabernacle Tent.  It will be a very special time for celebration and worship there at Timna.

      Ascend to the Tzin valley along the scorpion ascent; we will visit at Biblical Tamar on the Tzin Canyon, crossing the Arabah Wilderness filled with natural springs and lush vegetation in a ‘desert’ setting. Visit the city from the time of Abraham the time of Moses and the Judges, to the time of David and Jesus. It is our one chance to see the oldest Acacia tree on Earth.  It is from this species of tree that the wood was used to make the Holy Ark of the Covenant.  View the ancient well, of the Israelite-era the city gate and the Edomite temple that have been found in excavations on this site.

      Arrive at the Sodom Cave (at Sodom and Gomorrah); it is possible that it was used by the Holy Family as they fled to Egypt and later served as a worship center in early Christianity time. Moses and the Children of Israel walked here Abraham and Lot fought here. We, too, will worship here Between the Negev Hill country and the Hills of Moab and Ammon at the Plain of Sodom South of the Dead Sea at the Arabah Wilderness of Tzin River overlooking to Zoara the Town of Lot in the East and the Zered River where Moses ascended to the Hill of Moab! We will visit the Sodom Church Cave include time for Worship with and Music.

      Dinner & Overnight in Tiberias 

      Day 10:

      Follow Elijah, Moses and Jesus!  Experience God on Mount Hermon, the Covenant Mountain, where Abraham had the Covenant of the Cutting of the Parts and the location of the Transfiguration of Jesus!

      Start our day at the 2000-year-old ancient boat at the Nof Ginosar Museum. Embark on a voyage on the waters of the Sea of Galilee as we board our Worship Boat, with time for worship and song!

      Arrive at Capernaum, the village of Jesus. Visit the archaeological sites there, with the artistic architectural elements: the six-cornered Star of David, the ‘Rosetta’, the Holy Ark of Covenant on a carriage, and more. We will visit the 4th Century synagogue and the ‘traditional’ home of Simon Peter. 

      Visit Caesarea Philippi at the Banias Spring on the foothill of Mt. Hermon. On this site, archaeological excavations have unveiled the ruins of the Temple for the Goat-god, Pan, a temple for Augustus, the Roman Patron of King Herod.  On the lower East side of the complex, a one-of-a-kind church was found marking the site where Jesus and Simon Peter were standing, and teaching. It was here at the height of false god worship, altars and sacrifices that was called “The Gates of Hell, where Jesus declared the rise of His Church, and even the vilest spot in Israel (which was in His background as He spoke) would not prevail…. We will assemble at the church for a time of prayer and worship,

      We will drive to Bethesda in the Jordan Valley on the foothill of the Golan Heights.  Bethesda was the capital city of the Geshur Kingdom from King David’s time.  It is where Absalom, David’s son, found refuge at his grandpa Talmai’s, the king of Geshur and the father of Ma’acha, King David’s wife and Absalom’s mother.  Simon Peter, the fisherman, had his home here.

      During Jesus’ time, three of the apostles were born here.  It is where Judaism and Christianity melded together to one community of God. It was the site of the Sermon on the Mount and where Jesus performed the “miracle of the loaves and fishes.”. 

      Dinner & Overnight at Tiberias

      Day 11:

      Drive along the Via Maris (the ancient Roman sea-side roadway) via Caesarea Maritima, Pontius Pilate’s city, to visit the Mediterranean seaport city built by King Herod as a Roman Imperial City. 

      Ascend Mount Carmel (in Hebrew, ‘Kerem’ (grove) ‘el’ (God) = grove of God). We will visit Muchraka, the site of Prophet Elijah’s altar.  The site where God defeated the Baal Prophets;

      I Kings 18:19, “Gather to me all Israel unto Mount

      Carmel and the Prophets of Ba’al four hundred and fifty and the Prophets of the groves (‘carem’ = grove of the ashera trees) four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table.  And Elijah…said, ‘How long hath ye between two opinions?  If the Lord be God, follow Him; but if Ba’al, then follow him.”

      I Kings 18:24, “Call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord.  And the god that answereth by fire let Him be God.”

      I Kings 18:31, “And Elijah took twelve stones, according to the numbers of the Tribes of the Sons of Jacob.”

      I Kings 18:38, “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust.”

      We will stand by the burnt stones, the leftover of the broken Baal altars and worship, singing “These are the Days of Elijah” to the Lord God, overlooking the Har Magedom Valley of the final battle, led by Jesus Christ and pray for God to come and consume our sacrifice. When the sacrifice is acceptable – He is the God that answers by Fire!

      Continue to Tel Aviv to visit Jaffa (a.k.a. ‘Yafo’), the ancient sea-port city that served Jerusalem in ancient times and the city of the Prophet, Jonah, the city of King David. We will visit the home place of Simon the Tanner, Tabitha and Saul-Paul the Tarsus, the place where God revealed His plan to redeem all people! We will assemble on the hill of biblical-era Jaffa to unite in Covenant with the Lord at the Arch of the Covenant monument and with Israel on this, the 70th Anniversary year of Israel becoming a nation again (May 15th, 1948).

      Then we will go to Jerusalem to cap-off a truly historic journey by celebrating with the people, and the God of Israel in the 70-year celebration. Then we will enjoy an incredible farewell dinner at the famous King David’s Hotel.

      Then transfer later that night to Ben Gurion Int’l Airport for our return flight.

      In Israel, we do not say ‘goodbye’; instead, we say ‘le-heet raot’, which means ‘until we meet again’!

      Thank you for traveling with me in Israel, and ‘le heet raot’!\ Todah rabah (thank you very much)!

      Your friends Moshe Bronstein, Rick Hamm & Ancient Pathways Travel, Ltd.


      TOLL FREE: 1-866-260-9563 FOR ANY QUESTIONS.

      YOU CAN ALSO E-MAIL HIM AT: timothyjohnson107@gmail.com

      Note This itinerary is subject to change without notice due to unforeseeable circumstances.

      Note about physical requirements
      This tour involves continuous physical movement and walking on uneven
      surfaces, climbing steep inclines, and many stairs and periods of standing.



      FOR MORE INFO: timothyjohnson107@gmail.com

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